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Hope is born in crisis

Tania Vaughan

As we head into Christmas it is with the instability of a government in crisis and the fears of

poverty caused by a sharp rise in the cost of living.

There is less concern about getting the

Christmas lights on and about being able to keep any lights on.

As we speak to neighbours in the community there is an overwhelming sense of hopelessness looking ahead.

How is it that can we say "Hope is born"?

This hope is rooted not only in the birth of Jesus but in his death and resurrection. It is hope that is not dependent on governments, or circumstances or the state of the economy. It is hope which abounds despite it all.

What we celebrate is the birth of a new hope which brings about new life through

transformation. What if a new life meant you were no longer a slave to the system or to fear?

Not that these things magically disappear, Jesus is not a wizard!

But a life in Him gives us a new sense of purpose and a changed perspective on the reality of hope. What if your future hope was not controlled by the outward circumstances held in someone else's hand? What if you could grasp a hold of a new hope that changed your life from the inside out?

This is the hope that is born and this is the hope that Little Stoke Baptist Church wants to

introduce you to this Christmas through the birth and life of Jesus Christ.

Come along to one of our services, pop in for a chat, pick up a booklet about what we believe or just come and keep warm at one of free open warm spaces.

No hard sell or Bible bashing.

We have this Hope and we want to share it with you!

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